
Traveling Solo – The Selection Process

Having just booked my next solo trip, the following selection process is still fressshhh.

I wish my thought process was a whimsical scene where I do a spin of the globe or just show up the airport and pick the next flight out (allowing for TSA time, obvs) but it’s definitely not that kind of reality.

It’s probably a little safer to plan your next adventure because that’s just the world that we STILL live in. Plus, having already traveled solo to a few foreign countries, I’d love to share some knowledge with my fellow Lady Travelers that will hopefully help manifest an experience of a lifetime. No pressure.

Okay, so…the logistics:


What are you willing to bare? 🤪 Look up what the “low” been, historically, during that season cause ya only have your own clothes to work with. Are you down with negative degree weather? Or are you from California?

A California Girl in Iceland during a “mild” winter (11/2022). AKA: Cold AF.

# 2 – Are there religious or cultural norms strictly for women?

Researching dress codes for historical sites (e.g. exposed shoulders), chaperone requirements, etc. will help you assess your level of comfort, as those restrictions may impact sightseeing options and equally as important, your wardrobe.

#3 – What’s your budget? Go by the Big Three T’s: Time, Travel and Tourism.

  • Time: How many days are you prepared to be away for (e.g. vacation days, pet boarding)?
  • Travel: What are the costs for all of the travel for a single traveler? To our disadvantage, traveling solo tends be a little bit pricier. It’s a best practice of mine to compare packaged deals vs. a la carte bookings to see what is on the cheaper side. Airfare, hotels, trains, local transportation, etc. are all things to consider.
  • Tourism: What are some sights that you’d like to see or adventures that you’d like to experience? AND, how much are you willing to pay for them? This can include guided tours, Michelin star restaurants, fancy bars w/mesmerizing views etc.. I usually try to find the Free Walking Tours that are tip based so that I can splurge on the food and drink experiences cause that’s my jam.

Okay, so you’ve picked a Scandinavian country for 8 days in the Spring too? Woop! Jk jk.

Go on and click purchase (the most nerve racking but exciting part!).

Did you do it? If so, way to go you brave ass woman!

Now, make sure that you:

• Update your beneficiaries (that turned dark so quick, I know)

• Share your itinerary info with a family member or friend

And now, time to start packing….

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