brown and black animal shape artwork painting
Empowerment, Self Improvement

A Day in the Life of “Her”

Because knowledge is a gift.

If you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a bear or a man? 

A Tale as old as time…Beauty and the Beast. But which beast would you choose and why is it the bear?

Let’s start from the beginning.

When I was in my early 20’s, I remember parking my car, far from where I lived. Around midnight, Ball Road was a pretty quiet street until I saw a truck driving by and 2 men started yelling out at me. My stomach tightened while I said to myself “please don’t turn around, please don’t turn around.” Then, to my horror and I really mean horror, the truck started to make an illegal u-turn.

As I watched this, I made a split second decision to run into the nearest apartment complex (I was about 2 or 3 complexes away from home). It almost felt like I was doing some obstacle course, sprinting through the back of the complexes to get home. I did make it home safely but never would I forget the fear that I felt that night. Since then, I’ve been hyper alert of the potential risks that men alone, can pose. The sad part is that we women encounter these type of scenarios in our everyday life. I was a lucky one because not all of us go unscathed.

According to, Violence against women, including sexual or physical violence, is linked to many long-term health problems. These can include:3

  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic pain
  • Digestive problems such as stomach ulcers
  • Heart problems
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Nightmares and problems sleeping
  • Migraine headaches
  • Sexual problems such as pain during sex
  • Stress
  • Problems with the immune system

Of relative importance, the CDC cites (2018 U.S. report) heart condition to be the leading cause of death for women regardless of race, origin or age. Globally,, reported that “almost 1 in 3 have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both at least once in their life.” This number doesn’t include sexual harassment which can heavily contribute to mental health illnesses including but not limited to depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, etc. There is a dedicated Office on Violence Against Women under the U.S. Justice Department, that supports organizations across the U.S. to develop policies and programs to help end violence against women.

Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2021:

The percentage of females murdered by an intimate partner was 5 times higher than for males.

The stats above are only from formally reported incidents. During COVID-19, the American Academy of Pediatrics reported that intimate partner violence (IPV) increased and this may have impacted the social and mental health of children at home, in addition to the parent. “Witnessing IPV is an adverse childhood experience (ACE) and can have harmful effects on mental, physical, and behavioral health across a child’s lifespan.”

These are stats from men they know. From men that they are in relationships with. Now, the thought of being alone, in the woods with a male stranger is anxiety inducing for any woman. We can pull bear attack data and compare, with appropriate adjustments for population and gender ratios but that’s not really the point here.

How do we change this? It’s not only the role of mothers to raise good men. Not just the father’s either. It’s our societies and our communities. It’s our relationships with others and the commitment to our own self-improvement. It’s also movements, legislation and Justice. If we believe women who have been harmed and support causes that can help the betterment of men to not fall into societal traps of toxic masculinity, we may still have a chance.

I hear the “but not all men” counterpoint and that’s fair. I know more good men than beasts. But only men know what they’d do in a power struggle dynamic. What would they do if no one was watching? If no one would ever find out. That’s what will separate out the good men vs. the beasts but in this scenario, it’s not a risk that I would be willing to take.

I will take my chances with the bear.


Need Help? Know Someone Who Does?

National Domestic Violence Hotline
Call 1-800-799-7233 and TTY 1-800-787-3224.

Love is Respect National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
Call 1-866-331-9474 or TTY 1-866-331-8453

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network’s (RAINN) National Sexual Assault Hotline
Call 800-656-HOPE (4673) to be connected with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.

National Resource Center on Domestic Violence 

The Representation Project: The Mask You Live in

Empowerment, Travel

From: Me, To: Me

Last year, I hit a milestone. I completed an MBA program (hence the long hibernation from the blog-verse) and as a gift to myself, because who doesn’t love gifting themselves, I took my first solo trip to London.


Why London? For one, I had been there already and felt comfortable with the area. Second, they speak English so easy peasy nice and what did you call me? Ahlo-govenah!  

The itinerary was simple. I know what you’re thinking. “A simple itinerary coming from you? Am I being punked? Where are you, Ashton?” Uh, yeah, I can be basic sometimes. Since I had already done most of the touristy stuff the 1st time (London Eye, Westminster Abbey, obligatory Beatles crosswalk picture…etc.) this time, I wanted to focus on art, food and of course, libations so I did… just that. 

Markets = Take my monies

Borough Market 

One of the smaller markets but size isn’t everything said no one ever but maybe one person did. The shop stands ranged from cheese (chez!) to paella. Around Borough Market are 2 really great restaurants. Padella (literally next to the market and not to be confused with paella which I just mentioned) offers amazing homemade pasta dishes. Wheatsheaf, a gastropub that has solid bar food and beers. This bar attracts both locals and tourists and has kind of an Irish vibe. 

Camden Market

“Tho’ I battle blind,

Love is a fate resigned

Memories mar my mind,

Love is a fate resigned

Over futile odds,

And laughed at by the gods, 

And now the final frame,

Love is a losing game.”

Amy Winehouse

Need I say more as far as a reason to go to Camden Market? Aside from the statue of Amy, it’s a regular ol’ flea market. Cheap souvenirs and a Bart Simpson patterned dress ✅ .

Did someone say food?

St. Martin’s Courtyard is home to one of my favorite restaurants in the WORLD: Dishoom. I can eat that Chicken Ruby dish and Roomali Roti bread errryday. Sadly, this location will be closed for 6 months in 2020 for renovations but save your tears! There are other locations. Just prepare yourself to wait in line but it’s well worth the wait. It’s a guaranteed stop for me, anytime I’m in London. 

Trending across the world and mainly in the Midwest because, well it’s the Midwest: indoor “cafeteria” style food venues. Mercato Metropolitano houses various bars and food options in one stop as well as live entertainment. It’s not central to tourist attractions (nearest is probably Tate Modern) but if you don’t want restaurant traps ($$$$) and if you can’t make up your mind on 1 restaurant, this would be a good option. 


The Tate Modern is your typical modern art museum. Art work responses ranged from “ahhhh” to “oooooooo” to “wtf” so, it hit all the marks. To be or not to be an efficient planner? You can knock this out and the Shakespeare globe since they are near each other. 

The “WTF” moment was brought to you in part by….

I’d have to say that the Street Art Tour was a total highlight for me. I got to wander the streets and see some amazing artwork, some of which was commissioned by the city and known apparel brands. I got introduced to Afro-Futurism artwork which I would have otherwise never seen. Basically, learned soooo much about street art vs. graffiti. Totally recommend this!

Obviously, you shan’t go to London without visiting the British Museum. I mean, it literally has the Rosetta Stone. The actual Rosetta Stone. 

As a souvenir, I may or may not have gotten some ink down in Lambeth. As one does. But the world will never know and I may or may not love it.

Per usual, London did not disappoint and further proved that this Lady Traveler, can handle it abroad all by herself so – thank you, next.